About Us


The South China Morning Post is a leading news media company that has reported on Hong Kong, Greater China and Asia for more than a century with global impact. Founded in 1903, SCMP is headquartered in Hong Kong, where it is the city’s newspaper of record. Our teams span across Asia and the United States, working together to connect with news consumers around the world. We are committed to informing and inspiring through journalism of the highest standards. Our vision is to “Elevate Thought”, and our mission is to “Lead the global conversation about Hong Kong, Greater China and Asia.”


We develop news content 24/7, driven by world-class journalists, editors, visual artists, photographers and videographers, all guided by the principle of “Truth and Fairness”. Our editorial teams are powered by emerging digital technologies that allow us to create innovative ways to tell Asia’s most important and compelling stories. Against the backdrop of shifting discovery and consumption behaviours, SCMP reaches users across distributed media platforms including scmp.com, smartphone and tablet apps, social media and messaging platforms, as well as our flagship newspaper.

Additionally, SCMP is Asia’s leading magazine publisher with a portfolio of premium lifestyle and fashion titles including Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Esquire and Harper’s BAZAAR.

《南華早報》(South China Morning Post, SCMP)創立於1903年,是一間國際領先的新聞媒體,專注中國及亞洲新聞報導。進入21世紀,SCMP 率先進入數碼轉型,並不斷擴充其亞洲及美國的記者團隊。SCMP 肩負「引領全球有關中國的對話」的使命,以「提升思想深度」為願景,「真實公平」報導為原則,網羅世界頂級採編和創意人才,利用最新的數碼科技,24小時全天候發布新聞內容。隨著科技發展及新聞閱讀習慣改變,在傳統印刷報紙《南華早報》之外,SCMP拓展出電子報、手機、平板電腦、社交媒體以及電子通訊等有效途徑,推出每日即時新聞、分析與見解、多媒體文章和互動論壇等。SCMP 出眾的版面設計、生動而詳盡的深入報導以及領先的市場推廣創意,在近年多個國際性傳媒大獎上屢獲殊榮,並迅速拓展了亞洲及美國市場。

除以《南華早報》為旗艦新聞產品外,SCMP亦是亞洲領先的雜誌出版商,旗下擁有 CosmopolitanELLEEsquireHarper’s BAZAAR 等品味生活時尚雜誌。

SCMP and the Trust Project

In 2020, the South China Morning Post became the first news organisation in Asia to join the Trust Project, a consortium of the world’s top media companies committed to the highest standards of journalistic quality, transparency and credibility. The Trust Project is a worldwide initiative that provides standards of news production to help readers identify credible journalism. It is also supported by tech platforms such as Google, Facebook and Bing, who use the Trust Indicators to guide how they carry quality journalism.

Approved news sites with the Trust Project display “Trust Indicators” – a set of digital standards showing the organisations’ ethics and the measures they adopt for fairness and accuracy. The Trust Indicators help readers make informed decisions about what to read and share.

The Post believes a commitment to transparency is foundational to journalistic excellence. By implementing transparent newsroom policies on ethics, corrections, fact-checking and sourcing, its participation with the Trust Project underscores SCMP’s dedication to press freedom and quality journalism. This reinforces its continued mission to lead the global conversation about Hong Kong, Greater China and Asia with trustworthy, comprehensive reporting from its unique vantage point in Hong Kong.

Read more about SCMP’s participation in the Trust Project in

Find out more about SCMP’s newsroom policies and standards here. Details about the Trust Project and information on each Trust Indicator can be found on its FAQ page.