HONG KONG, 23 November 2016 – South China Morning Post Publishers Limited, Asia’s leading media company, today announced the appointment of Mr Gary Liu as the incoming Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Mr Robin Hu, effective 3 January 2017. As previously announced, Mr Hu will step down from SCMP’s helm and continue to lend credence as a member of the SCMP Board of Directors.
Mr Liu’s appointment marks an important cornerstone for SCMP as his digital expertise and vision will lead SCMP to reach new heights in the global media marketplace. Under his direction, SCMP will leverage its acclaimed editorial strength to further expand the company’s news division, as well as its advertising, magazines, education & recruitment, events & conferences and contract printing businesses.

Mr Liu, 33, has helped shape the narrative of how media touches people’s lives in his previous capacities at notable digital pioneers in the US, including Digg, Spotify, Google, and AOL. He joins SCMP from his recent CEO position at Digg, a New York-based online content aggregator. He guided Digg’s product innovation in data-driven content curation, steering business operations and strategic development, among other elements of the company. He was Chief Operating Officer at Digg before becoming CEO in October 2015. Prior to joining Digg, he was Head of Labs at Spotify, the music technology platform, from November 2013 to February 2015, spearheading business strategy, incubation, industry intelligence and research. He also led Spotify’s advertising operations as Global Director of Ad Product Strategy for two years starting in November 2011. Before Spotify, Mr Liu oversaw sales and revenue strategies and operations in various roles at AOL, Clickable and Google from 2007 to 2011. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Harvard University and speaks English and Mandarin.
“We are incredibly excited to welcome Gary as the next Chief Executive Officer of the SCMP. Our readers expect SCMP to maintain its editorial excellence while staying relevant in the face of technology disruption,” said Mr Joe Tsai, Chairman of the SCMP Board of Directors. “As an influencer and innovator in digital media and someone with roots in Greater China, Gary is the perfect fit to take SCMP’s vision – coverage of Greater China from an Asian perspective for a global audience – to the next level and show our readers the future of news in the age of mobile and social media.”
Mr Tsai continued, “Under Robin’s leadership, SCMP has transformed itself from a legacy newspaper to a respected digital media company, always staying true to its core values of quality, integrity and trust. I want to thank Robin for his five years of stewardship and look forward to his continued counsel as a board member of SCMP.”
Mr Hu, the incumbent SCMP CEO, said, “I’m delighted to hand over the baton to Gary, who brings world-class digital expertise, youthful energy and a grasp of the North American market, all of which are indispensable at this stage in SCMP’s journey. As the company navigates the complexities of digital transformation, I am confident that under Gary’s leadership, SCMP will become a global platform for serious debate on China, the biggest story of our lifetime.”
Mr Liu said, “I am delighted and honored to be the SCMP’s next CEO, joining a world-class senior team that will transform SCMP into a leading digital media and news company, while maintaining the paper’s legacy of journalistic excellence and independence. We are in a contentious media world where shifting consumer behaviors and platforms are redefining how news is reported, distributed, and discovered. It is both a grand challenge and an exceptional opportunity for the SCMP. I believe that the SCMP is the platform that will bring a balanced and nuanced understanding of Greater China to the world. I am excited to be part of defining how global citizens will learn about China in the future. I am thankful for Mr Hu, under whose leadership the company has continued to grow in influence and aspiration. And I am grateful to Mr Tsai and Mr Jack Ma [Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group] for the opportunity to steward this historic company.”
香港,2016年11月23日 – 亞洲首屈一指的傳媒集團南華早報出版有限公司今日宣佈,委任劉可瑞先生為行將上任的行政總裁,接替將卸任的胡以晨先生,任命將於2017年1月3日生效。早前公佈胡先生將卸任《南華早報》的管理職務,但將出任《南華早報》董事。
33歲的劉先生曾於Digg、 Spotify、 谷歌、Clickable及AOL等著名的美國數碼先驅企業任職,協助塑造媒體與公眾之間的互動關係。加入《南華早報》前,他在紐約的互聯網內容匯聚公司Digg擔任行政總裁,透過分析主導的方法集展內容,並統領業務運作和制訂策略等不同職務,不斷革新Digg的產品。於2015年10月獲委任為Digg的行政總裁之前,他負責營運總監一職。加入Digg前,他於2013年11月至2015年2月期間擔任音樂技術平台Spotify的技術發展研究室主管,負責業務策略、培育、行業情報和研究等工作。此外,自2011年11月起的兩年期間,他亦曾任Spotify全球廣告產品策略總監,管理廣告業務運作。加入Spotify前,劉先生在2007年至2011年間於AOL、Clickable及谷歌擔任不同職務,負責銷售及收益策略和業務營運。他擁有哈佛大學的經濟學士學位,能操流利英語及普通話。
《南華早報》董事會主席蔡崇信先生表示:「我們熱切歡迎劉先生出任《南華早報》 新任行政總裁。讀者期望《南華早報》 能保持卓越的編採實力之餘,亦能在日新月異的科技挑戰下繼續提供息息相關的新聞內容。《南華早報》的願景是以亞洲角度向全球報導大中華新聞,劉先生是最適當的人選。他能帶領《南華早報》在流動平台及社交媒體主導的新聞新時代再闖高峰。」
About South China Morning Post Publishers Limited
South China Morning Post Publishers Limited is a leading newspaper and magazine publisher in Asia. Its flagship publication, the South China Morning Post, is Hong Kong’s internationally recognised English language newspaper and has the city’s most affluent and influential readership.
First published in 1903, the newspaper has developed an enviable reputation for authoritative, influential and independent reporting on Hong Kong, China and the rest of Asia. Available in print, mobile, tablets and online through scmp.com and e-reader editions, the South China Morning Post reaches a global audience with daily breaking news, analysis and opinion, multimedia articles and interactive forums. The South China Morning Post received 200 awards in 2015-16 for excellence in editorial, marketing and technical capabilities. Other titles in the company include the Sunday Morning Post, STYLE, Destination Macau, and The PEAK.
Through the joint venture partnership with Hearst, SCMP Hearst publishes the Chinese editions of Cosmopolitan, CosmoBride, Harper’s BAZAAR, Harper’s BAZAAR Art, Harper’s BAZAAR Bride, Esquire, ELLE, ELLE Men, ELLE Wedding, ELLE Décoration, and ELLE Accessories; and operates Cosmopolitan.com.hk, Cosmogirl.com.hk, Harpersbazaar.com.hk, ELLE.com.hk and EsquireHK.com in Hong Kong.
For further information please contact: communications@scmp.com
南華早報出版有限公司為一立足於香港的亞洲首屈一指報章和雜誌發行商。作為公司的旗艦刊物,《南華早報 》是享譽國際的香港英文報章,讀者群包括香港最富裕和最有影響力的人士。
自1903年創辦以來,《南華早報 》贏得了香港、中國乃至全亞洲具權威、影響力和獨立報導的美譽。《南華早報 》通過報章、手機、平板電腦、scmp.com網站以及電子紙版等有效途徑,及以每日即時新聞、分析與見解、多媒體文章和互動論壇吸引世界各地讀者。《南華早報 》的編輯、市場營銷和技術支援的表現卓越,在2015-16年度榮獲逾200個獎項。公司的其他刊物包括《星期日南華早報》、STYLE、Destination Macau及The PEAK。
與Hearst建立合作夥伴關係後,SCMP Hearst出版香港版的Cosmopolitan、CosmoBride、Harper’s BAZAAR、Harper’s BAZAAR Art、Harper’s BAZAAR Bride、 Esquire、 ELLE、 ELLE Men、 ELLE Wedding、 ELLE Décoration和ELLE Accessories,及營運 Cosmopolitan.com.hk、Cosmogirl.com.hk、Harpersbazaar.com.hk、ELLE.com.hk 和EsquireHK.com等網站。
詳情請聯絡: communications@scmp.com