PANPA (Pacific Area Newspaper Publishers’ Association)
- Winner of the Award for Technical Excellence.
DM Asia Awards
- Winner of a coveted Silver Award in multimedia for the “Read Smart, Win Smart” campaign.
Hong Kong News Awards
- K.Y. Cheng, second runner-up in sports photography.
- Dustin Sum, best sports photography and news photography merits.
- Joseph Lo, best news writing.
- Denise Tsang, second runner-up in business writing.
- Ravina Shamdasani, runner-up in news writing.
- Simon Pritchard, joint second runner-up in business writing.
- Jane Moir, runner-up in business writing.
- Colleen Thomson and Ian Young, joint winners in best headline.
- Oliver Tsang, runner-up in news photography.
- Tom Mitchell, best business writing.
- Post’s backbench, runner-up and second runner-up in best headline